It may take some investigation to identify if and what their needs are.
Here are some suggestions:
- Is your loved one able to shop for their food and prepare a light meal?
- Check the refrigerator and freezer to see if food is spoiled and needs to be thrown away.
- Check the cupboards for dried foods that may be past the expiration date.
- Is there a recent weight loss?
- Check the mail, are the bills being paid in a timely manner?
- Is their personal hygiene being maintained and is their clothing clean?
- Are they able to get in and out of the shower or tub safely?
- Are they able to do the laundry?
- Is cleaning the house becoming too much and is a normally clean house now cluttered?
- Are doctor appointments being missed?
- If the person’s eyesight is failing they may have difficulty reading labels on medications.
- Is the person forgetting to take their medications? (You can count the number of pills and check it against the refill date.
- Check the dates on all medications as well.
If there is a doubt in your mind, follow your instincts and investigate.
Offering some assistance could make a big difference in safety and quality of life. If your investigation raises concerns your loved one may benefit from some assistance.
Call us for a FREE In-Home Evaluation.
Owner Lisa Morvillo, LSW has 26 years experience caring for seniors and will personally come out to your loved ones home for an assessment.